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Kelly Wilkson started nail polish Kelly in 

2012 after she started selling her 

self-mixed polishes. 11 years later and 

nail polish Kelly is a retail brand.

All of these brand designs and collateral 

are curated from the ground up. 


The curvaceousness of the font hints at the playfulness of this brand, while the period is a firm statement to this company's unwavering morals. Animal testing is a big no-no, and they have various programs that support charitable organizations. 


Kelly Pink is the color foundation of this brand when assets are not catered towards specific polish colorways.


Matte campaign design. 3D renders created in Adobe Blender. Billboard mockups for larger scale advertising.


Created brand guidelines for overall brand look and consistency. Breakdown of logo design, typography choices, color palettes, patterns, and illustration styles used. 


Digital assets from website layouts/designs via phone and computer viewers,

email subscription notifications. social media posts, and digital banners.

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